The National Question, General
Much of top portion of this list of materials is from Marxism Today on YouTube: The National Question: Nations & Self-Determination | Socialism 101
Much of top portion of this list of materials is from Marxism Today on YouTube: The National Question: Nations & Self-Determination | Socialism 101
Lenin on the National Question
Lenin, 1922: Draft Theses on National and Colonial Questions
Lenin, 1916: The Socialist Revolution and the Right of Nations to Self-Determination
Stalin, 1913: Marxism and the National Question
Stalin, 1924: Foundations of Leninism. Chapter 6: The National Question
Mao, 1938: The Role of the Chinese Communist Party in the National War
Frantz Fanon (1959) Speech at the Congress of Black African Writers, 1959
Wretched of the Earth Reciprocal Bases of National Culture and the Fight for Freedom
Frantz Fanon, The Wretched of the Earth (1961) : The Pitfalls of National Consciousness
Amilcar Cabral (1972-73): Return to the Source: Selected Speeches of Amilcar Cabral
Walter Rodney, 2018: The Russian Revolution: A View from the Third World
Ibrahim Kaypakkaya, 1972: On the National Question
The Marxist Project, 2020: Lenin in Five Minutes: The National Question
The Red Menace Podcast, 2020: On Patriotism
Marxist-Leninist Analysis in the United States:
The LRS (M-L) was a one-of-a-kind organization that was the result of mergers between several Marxist-Leninist organizations that had roots in the struggles of oppressed nationalities in the U.S.A. The primary political position that distinguished them from the rest of the post-revisionist “New Left” in the period of the 1970’s to 1989 was their position on the National Question. The majority of other communist organizations in the period “liquidated” the National Question and were heavily influenced by white supremacist ideology on this question.
Getting Together Publications of The League of Revolutionary Struggle (M-L):
1972: Chinese American Workers: Past and Present
1977: Countries Want Independence, Nations Want liberation, People Want Revolution!
1978: The World War II Imprisonment of Japanese into U.S. Concentration Camps
1978: Smash the Bakke decision! Down with Imperialism! End National Oppression!
1979: Kampuchean people begin guerrilla war against Soviet-backed invasion
The Struggle for Chicano Liberation
1986: The “Sunbelt Strategy” and Chicano liberation
1986: Chicano Power: The struggle for Chicano political representation & empowerment in the Southwest
1987: “English Only” Divides, Not Unites
1988: ‘English-only’ – Right wing’s power of babble
1989: African American Political Power
The Revolutionary Communist League (M-L-M) and the League of Revolutionary Struggle (M-L) Unite!
Amiri Baraka, 1986: Nationalism, Self-Determination and Socialist Revolution
Amiri Baraka, 1987: By Any Means Necessary: The struggle for Black Liberation
Amiri Baraka, 1986: Nationalism, Self-Determination and Socialist Revolution
Amiri Baraka, 1981: RWH on the Black Liberation Movement: Wrong Again!
Amiri Baraka, 1981: Dr. King’s birthday and the Black struggle for democracy
Amiri Baraka, 1983: Malcolm X: A revolutionary example for all nationalities
Other readings:
Black Reconstruction in America by W.E.B. DuBois
Report on the Chicano National Colonial Question (1973) – The Communist Collective of the Chicano Nation
China’s Great Road – Lessons for Marxist Theory and Socialist Practices, Articles 2010-2021 – by John Ross
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